Diuretics have the lowest side effects of any blood pressure medication and thus are commonly the first course of medicinal attack to get high blood pressure under control.
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Telmisartan is as effective as.
But it can have serious side effects that can be avoided with another diuretic hydrochlorothiazide.
But reaching that lower goal leaves people more prone to side effects especially fatigue dizziness and fainting which can occur when blood pressure dips too low says dr.
Ace inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers arbs are recommended as first line therapy because they lower blood pressure and the risk of stroke and heart disease.
Mild hypertension can sometimes be treated using diuretics alone although they are more commonly used in combination with other high blood pressure medications.
Diuretics are often paired with another prescription blood pressure medication to compliment to lower your blood pressure effectively.
Used to treat it can have side effects.
Over 10 500 people who had at least seven blood pressure readings participated in this study.
Best drugs to treat high blood pressure the least expensive medications may be the best for many people.
Diuretics increase urination which reduces sodium and fluid in the body.
Current guidelines recommend the drug chlorthalidone thalitone as the first line diuretic.
In the study people with an average high blood pressure reading of 154 90 millimeters of mercury mm hg took a single capsule containing four blood pressure lowering drugs irbesartan.
Ace inhibitors are cheap well tolerated medications that end in il for example.
If you re unable to reach your blood pressure goal with one or more of the above medications other drugs that lower blood pressure include.
The participants were enrolled between 2007 and 2011 and were followed for at least five years.
Alpha blockers prevent the hormone norepinephrine noradrenaline from tightening the muscles in the walls of smaller arteries and veins which causes the vessels to remain open and relaxed.
That can help lower blood pressure because it lowers blood volume.